Aluminum canopies that are extra wide (13-16’) present a challenge. By the end of this article, you will understand what that challenges are, how we can solve them by using a parallel walkway, and the drawbacks of parallel decking. Decking for a canopy system can either run parallel or perpendicular to the walkway. At Mitchell
Qualitative Maintenance Cost Comparison of Different Types of Metal Canopies In this blog, we want to “expose” some of the story behind the specifications. Kynar Finish If you do the math on cost versus value, Kynar’s warranty seems to make it an obvious go-to for long-term value. For example, Baked Enamel can have
4 Simple Reasons Architects and Contractors Choose Aluminum Canopies Over Steel Everything has a reason or purpose. According to architects and contractors, aluminum has four. We know because, as an experienced aluminum canopy manufacturer and provider with a long-term outlook on business, we work with architects and contractors on a regular basis. We also listen to